Thursday, May 27, 2010

What is your favorite necklace length?

Mine is about 18 to 22 inches, depending on the thickness and whether or not it has a pendant on it. How 'bout your favorite length? Please fill out the poll on the top right of this page! I'm very interested to see the end results of this little poll. Thanks for voting!

Speaking of voting, we here in Belgium have been asked to go cast our votes for a new government on June 13th. Our civil duty. Yes, it's a duty here, not just a right to vote. That's why it's on a Sunday. I just got the draft letters we'll have to present at the office where we'll need to go. Thank goodness our city is one of those where you can now vote electronically so no more "situations" with pencils without a tip and immensely huge papers with lists of candidates for us anymore. LOL
You gotta see the humor in a not so humorous situation, right?

And speaking of another not so humorous situation, something is definitely wrong with my Outlook program, and we're trying hard to get it to work again, but so far nothing worked. We fear that my laptop may slowly be dying though and we're doing everything we can to keep it alive and kicking... But, if you don't hear from me, you'll know why. Always something, huh? *sigh*


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